Fall wedding season is almost here. If you haven’t already written your wedding vows, now is the time to start. While this is a stress that many people fret about for weeks or even months, planning your wedding vows can be simplified and less worrisome for you. In many cases, just getting started can seem like the most difficult part. Before you throw in the towel and copy something online, try out these four easy tips for writing your wedding vows.
Look to Others Examples
If you have any friends whose weddings you will be attending shortly before your own, listen to the vows they deliver on their special day. In addition to this you can look to online sources for examples of vows that have been given by other couples. Look at a number of different examples and decide what you like and what you don’t care for to include in your own vows. While you can take certain parts that you really love, try to still keep your vows as original as possible.
Talk With Your Fiance Beforehand
While you should leave most of what you are going to say as a surprise to your future spouse, you should talk with them beforehand on establishing the tone both of your toasts will take. If you want yours to be more funny and lighthearted, talk with your fiance and see what direction they are taking. Discover a common ground on being lighthearted and fun or taking a more serious tone.
Write Down Memories

The memories you choose to share or take inspiration from will depend in part on the tone you and your fiance have established beforehand. Consider things like the first day you met, when you knew you were in love, what hard times you have overcome together, and more, compiling a decent sized list to work with. Weed through and determine which memories are too personal, or not relevant to the toast you want to give.
Condense and Perfect
Your wedding vows should be at the most three minutes long, giving time for your new spouse to deliver theirs as well, while keeping your guests engaged. Going too long will take away from the main purpose of the ceremony. You don’t need to go on and on, rather simply state your love and make commitments to one another. Once you have condensed the vows, perfect it. This means practicing out loud to see how it sounds, as well as for timing purposes.
Your vows are an important part of your wedding that should not be taken lightly. Through proper planning and preparation, you can make your wedding day a little less stressful when the vows come around. Prepare beforehand to ensure your big day will be one to remember full of joy and good times rather than stress and panic.