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Posted by on Aug 22nd 2014

Back to School Party Ideas

Back to School

For some the school year has already started, for others the beginning is drawing near. No matter what situation you are in, it’s not too late to start planning for your back to school party. This will give kids a chance to get together with their friends before the new year begins, getting them ready for school as well as celebrating the end of the summer. Follow the steps to plan the perfect back to school party for your kids, making it a fun event to kick off the new school year.

The Invitations

kids party

Choose who you will invite to this back to school party whether it is just a few of your child’s closest friends or the entirety of their class. Create the invitations using festive themes and colors, signifying the beginning of the school year. Traditionally, back to school colors are red, yellow, and blue. Choose to incorporate these into the invitations as well as the decorations at the party.

Plan the Events

To add some structure but still make it fun, schedule out events as they would be scheduled in an actual school day. Plan a few activities the kids can do together, each lasting somewhere between half an hour and a full hour. These events can be structured as “periods” giving the feeling of school. You can also designate a different subject for each, sticking to those that will help kids have a fun time. Start with art and gym, choosing only the subjects that will help kids have a great time before the real class starts. Use a bell to signify a switch between the events, giving a greater feeling of the school day.

Organize the School Lunch

school lunch

Design your cafeteria complete with lunch ladies to serve the afternoon snack or meal. Invest in plastic trays, milk boxes, and your choice of traditional lunchroom food to give the feel of a real lunch cafeteria. Make sure you give the kids some time after as a lunch recess to have run off their lunch.

The Purpose

There can be more to your back to school party than what meets the eye. Consider these themes or purposes to have better success:

  • A last celebration of summer before the beginning of school.
  • Organize a school supply part swap. By asking each student to bring an inexpensive school item to exchange, this can be a fun way for your kids to get more diverse school supplies.
  • Get together the students in a new class or possibly include their families as well to become acquainted with other parents.

Have fun planning your child’s back to school party, ensuring the kids meet and have a good time before the first of the year. This will make the transition to school easier and better for your child and their classmates.

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